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This publication is designed to provide general information in regard to the subject matter covered and prior articles published may be time sensitive and may not apply to any specific retirement plan or your particular circumstances. The information contained in this website is with the understanding that Pension Evaluators® & QDROs of Troyan Inc® & Associates Group is not engaged in rendering legal service or advice. None of the general information should be acted upon without first determining its application to your specific case situation and consulting an attorney or mediator in your area.

We specialize in Qualified Domestic Relations Orders (QDROs) and have extensive experience in this complex area of law, making us experts in dividing retirement assets in divorce cases.
We proudly serve clients across the United States, offering a wide reach to individuals and attorneys in need of QDRO services.
Our team consists of experienced professionals with decades of experience in handling QDROs, ensuring that our clients receive expert guidance and support.
Our website provides a wealth of educational resources, including articles and FAQs, helping our clients and attorneys better understand the intricacies of QDROs.
Provide speedy, accurate answers to complex economic questions at reasonable prices. We believe that by doing so we not only assist our clients, but also speed up the process and make it less expensive.