JURISDICTIONAL END OF MARRIAGE DATE: Date of Divorce-preferred. If there is no Dissolution Date use current date.
STATE TYPE FOR PENSION EVALUATION: Idaho is a "community property" state. In Idaho, the court will divide the all of the community property equally after setting aside to each spouse that spouse's separate property, unless there exists compelling reasons to divide the property otherwise. Some of the factors the court will examine in making a determination as to whether to divide the community property equally include:
1. The duration of the marriage 2. Any antenuptial agreement 3. The age, health, occupation, amount and sources of income, vocational skills, employability and liabilities of each spouse 4. The needs of each spouse 5. The present and future earning capacity of each spouse 6. Retirement benefits of each spouse 7. Any other relevant factor
[Idaho Code; Title 32, Chapters 712 and 903 to 919].
IDAHO CODE ' 32-712
Community property and homestead - Disposition.
In case of divorce by the decree of a court of competent jurisdiction, the community property and the homestead must be assigned as follows:
1. The community property must be assigned by the court in such proportions as the court, from all the facts of the case and the condition of the parties, deems just, with due consideration of the following factors:
(a) Unless there are compelling reasons otherwise, there shall be a substantially equal division in value, considering debts, between the spouses.
(b) Factors which may bear upon whether a division shall be equal, or the manner of division, include, but are not limited to:
(1) Duration of the marriage;
(2) Any antenuptial agreement of the parties; provided, however, that the court shall have no authority to amend or rescind any such agreement;
(3) The age, health, occupation, amount and source of income, vocational skills, employability, and liabilities of each spouse;
(4) The needs of each spouse;
(5) Whether the apportionment is in lieu of or in addition to maintenance;
(6) The present and potential earning capability of each party; and
(7) Retirement benefits, including, but not limited to, social security, civil service, military and railroad retirement benefits.
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2. If a homestead has been selected from the community property, it may be assigned to either party, either absolutely, provided such assignment is considered in distribution of the community property, or for a limited period, subject in the latter case to the future disposition of the court; or it may be divided or be sold and the proceeds divided.
3. If a homestead has been selected from the separate property of either, it must be assigned to the former owner of such property, subject to the power of the court to assign it for a limited period to the other spouse.
IDAHO CODE ' 32-903
Separate property of husband and wife. All property of either the husband or the wife owned by him or her before marriage, and that acquired afterward by either by gift, bequest, devise or descent, or that which either he or she shall acquire with the proceeds of his or her separate property, by way of moneys or other property, shall remain his or her sole and separate property.
IDAHO CODE ' 32-906
Community property - Income from separate and community property - Conveyance between spouses.
(1) All other property acquired after marriage by either husband or wife is community property. The income, including the rents, issues and profits, of all property, separate or community, is community property unless the conveyance by which it is acquired provides or both spouses, by written agreement specifically so providing, declare that all or specifically designated property and the income, including the rents, issues and profits, from all or the specifically designated property shall be the separate property of one of the spouses or the income, including the rents, issues and profits, from all or specifically designated separate property be the separate property of the spouse to whom the property belongs. Such property shall be subject to the management of the spouse owning the property and shall not be liable for the debts of the other member of the community.
(2) Property conveyed by one spouse to the other shall be presumed to be the sole and separate estate of the grantee and only the grantor spouse need execute and acknowledge the deed or other instrument of conveyance notwithstanding the provisions of section 32-912, Idaho Code; provided, however, that the income, including the rents, issues and profits, from such property shall not be the separate Page APP-39 property of the grantee spouse unless this fact is specifically stated in the instrument of conveyance.
IDAHO CODE ' 32-912
Control of community property.
Either the husband or the wife shall have the right to manage and control the community property, and either may bind the community property by contract, except that neither the husband nor wife may sell, convey or encumber the community real estate unless the other joins in executing the sale agreement, deed or other instrument of conveyance by which the real estate is sold, conveyed or encumbered, and any community obligation incurred by either the husband or the wife without the consent in writing of the other shall not obligate the separate property of the spouse who did not so consent; provided, however, that the husband or wife may by express power of attorney give to the other the complete power to sell, convey or encumber community property, either real or personal. All deeds, conveyances, bills of sale, or evidences of debt heretofore made in conformity herewith are hereby validated.
IDAHO CODE ' 32-916
Property rights governed by chapter.
The property rights of husband and wife are governed by this chapter, unless there is a marriage settlement agreement entered into during marriage containing stipulations contrary thereto.
IDAHO CODE ' 32-917
Formalities required of marriage settlements.
All contracts for marriage settlements must be in writing, and executed and acknowledged or proved in like manner as conveyances of land are required to be executed and acknowledged or proved.
IDAHO CODE ' 32-918
Marriage settlements - Record.
When such contract is acknowledged or proved, it must be recorded in the office of the recorder of every county in which any real estate may be situated which is granted or affected by such contract.